Monday-Thursday Schedule
8:40 School Doors Open
8:40-8:55 Breakfast provided (for a fee)
8:55 First Bell
9:00 School Begins
3:20 School Dismissed
Full-day kindergarten is provided for all students
8:55-12:30 Half-Time Session (no afternoon bussing provided)
PRESCHOOL (No School Friday)
9:15-11:45 AM Session
1-3:30 PM Session
Friday Schedule (Early Out)
8:40 School Doors Open
8:40-8:55 Breakfast provided (for a fee)
8:55 First Bell
9:00 School Begins
1:20 School Dismissed
Full-day kindergarten is provided for all students
8:55-12:30 Half-Time Session (no afternoon bussing provided)
Minimum Day Schedule
8:40 School Doors Open
8:40-8:55 Breakfast provided (for a fee)
8:55 First Bell
9:00 School Begins
1:20 School Dismissed
No Preschool
Lunch Schedule
11:15-11:55 (2nd and 5th Grades)
11:55-12:35 (Kindergarten and 3rd Grades)
12:35-1:15 (1st and 4th Grades)