McKinley Elementary getting to know you day will be on May 3rd at 3:15 until 3:45 PM.
Welcome to McKinley Elementary!! We are excited to have your student attend our school in the fall!!
Please register your student online at Go to the homepage and under register you will find the link. We can assist you with this process if needed. Please bring wiht you a birth certificate, immunization record, and proof of address. We will copy these for you. The immunizations needed for kindergarten:
- 5 DTap/DT
- 4 Polio (3 doses, if 3rd was given on/after the 4th birthday (IPV)
- 2 Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)
- 3 Hepatitis B (HBV)
- 2 Hepatitis A (HAV)
- 2 Varicella (Chicken Pox)
Come and tour the school and meet the Kindergarten teachers.