Letter to McKinley Community
Dear McKinley Elementary School Community,
I hope this letter finds you enjoying the rejuvenating days of summer and that you and your children will look forward to beginning a wonderful school year together on August 29th. A SAVE THE DATE for your calendar is: August 15th from 5:00-6:30. This will be our Back to School Night.
A question everyone has is in regard to class lists. With the number of students moving in and out of our school boundaries, we are waiting until you complete registration in August to release students' teacher assignments. Registration begins August 2nd. Once all of the registration process is complete (online registration, copy of immunization records, proof of address, free and reduced lunch application turned in, etc. have been submitted and verified) you will be given your child’s teacher assignment. We are going to begin accepting proof of addresses Monday through Thursday from 9-12 at McKinley starting Monday, July18th. As a matter of clarification, a proof of address must be one of the following: a rental or lease agreement, a current mortgage statement, a current utility bill (water, gas, sewer, etc.) in the current parent or guardian's name. Other documents with an address: driver’s license, cell phone bill, credit card bill, etc. will not be accepted.
I loved my first year at McKinley Elementary! It has been a joy to get to know you and your children better. Your passion and commitment to your children and their education is inspiring. I really am honored to get to work with you and your children at McKinley.
I believe that the key to a successful school begins with the teachers. We are fortunate to have educators at McKinley that love their students and who work hard to set high expectations for all students while still meeting individual students' learning needs. I believe that every child at McKinley can excel and that the partnership between home and school builds confidence in students to use their abilities to shape their future and the future of our community.
To our students, I hope that you are excited for this coming school year and that you are out this summer playing with your family and friends and reading tons of books. It is going to be a fun year learning together. If you are near the school at all this summer, please stop by and say hello!
In closing, please know that my door is always open to you. I readily welcome your conversation and positive input throughout this year. Students are the primary focus of everything that we do. I look forward to working with you and celebrating our collective successes during the 2022-2023 school year.
As the school year gets closer, additional communication will be sent out about registration, back to school night, etc. Be safe, and enjoy your summer!
Mark Taylor
McKinley Elementary