Community Council

Next Scheduled Meeting: 
Sept 9th, 2024

3:45pm in the Principal's Office

North Park Elementary 

*All Information is made available to parents without internet access via: school mailings, marquee, postings in the Front Office, school newsletters, and/or sent home with students.

School Community Council
Duties of the School Community Council Include:

  • Develop a School Improvement Plan

  • Develop a School LAND Trust Program

  • Assist in the development and implementation of a Professional Development Plan

  • Advise and make recommendations to School and District Administrators when appropriate

  • Develop a Reading Achievement Plan

  • Oversee that appropriate Internet filtering and safety precautions are in place

School LAND Trust Program
School Trust Lands were granted by the United States to each state joining the Union. When Utah entered the Union it was granted four sections (one square mile of land) per township. Beginning in 2000, by Utah State Law, every public school in a School District should establish a
School Community Council at the School Level.
(Utah Code Section 53A-1A-108)

Read More:
What are School Trust Lands and Community Councils?


2024-25 School Community Council Members

Olivia Fronk - Parent (Co-Chair) 

Sara Atkin - Parent

- Parent

Emily Maynes - Parent

Kelli Nessen - School Employee

Ryan Greene - Principal 

If you would like to get into contact with a member of the Community Council, please complete the form linked below:


If anyone is interested in participating in the North Park School Community Council, please contact the school at  Thanks!  

Scheduled Meetings

  • March 2024

  • May 2024

  • September 2024

  • October 2024