Hello Everyone,
There are a few things coming up that we really want everyone aware of.
Monday is Valentine's Day.
We have Parent Teacher Conferences on February 23rd and 24th. Please sign up at: https://www.ptcfast.com/school... if you haven't already.
CHANGE TO BUS PICK UP TIMES: Starting March 7th all buses will pick students up 5 minutes earier! We have seen that more students are eating breakfast at school. With the buses arriving as late as 7:48, some students have been late to class, or have only had a couple of minutes to eat before our 7:55 bell to go to class. We want to give them more time to eat breakfast and get to class comfortably.
Other important Dates:
February 21st President's Day No School
No School: February 24th and March 24th. These are Professional Development days. Both are on a Thursday. Many people have asked why, and questioned the logic of it. Basically, in December, the school board and BESD leadership wanted to help teachers. Many of which have felt overwhelmed this year, by giving them time to catch up on mandatory PD without getting a sub. They already had national presenters coming on those two days, so those were chosen. We are sorry for the confusion or inconvenience.
March 3rd we will dismiss school at 12:00. This is the last day of the trimester.
March 4th No School.