October 22, 2021
Please see the messages Sign up for the Flu clinic: https://brhd.jotform.com/212565756258970

October 18, 2021
Please see the attached letter.
Some highlights:
We could use pumpkin donations, please consider donating a medium sized pumpkin. Halloween costumes may be worn to scho...

October 8, 2021
Here is our weekly Newsletter. Don't forget Fall Break October 14-15 there will be no school!

September 29, 2021
Please sign up for our Parent Teacher Conferences. Conferences will be held on Oct 6th , and 7th from 3:00-6:10. You can sign up with the link on our website, or by using this l...

September 16, 2021
Have you ever considered becoming a sub at a school you love? The kids are amazing, and totally make things worth it, the pay isn't bad, and it is flexible enough to allow you to...

August 27, 2021
Attached you will find our weekly news letter for the beginning of the school year. Don't forget to look at the traffic maps as well.

August 20, 2021
Please remember not to use the East Parking lot for drop off. That is for buses only.

August 17, 2021
Many of you have been wondering about our response to the continued cases and exposure to COVID-19. In this link, you can find Box Elder School District's guidance. BESD COVID R...
August 1, 2021
Please use the below link to fill out the Out of School or District Boundaries Application for the upcoming 21-22 School Year. https://docs.google.com/forms/...
July 27, 2021
SCHOOL BOARD SUMMARY The School Board met on Tuesday, July 13, 2021. Superintendent Carlsen's and Assistant Superintendent Keri Greener's summary notes are in the link below. The...
July 27, 2021
2021-2022 APPROVED SCHOOL FEES You'll find the 2021-2022 Approved School fees at the below link. 2021-2022 Approved School Fees