Box Elder Learning Standards 

1st Grade Mathematics 

1) Read, write, and count to 120 


❏ I can count to 120, starting at any number less than 120. (NBT.1) 

❏ I can read numerals from 1-120. (NBT.1) 

❏ I can write numerals from 1-120. (NBT.1) 


❏ I can represent a number of objects up through 120 with a written numeral. (NBT.1) 

2) Represent and solve problems by applying properties as strategies to add and subtract within 20, fluently within 10 


❏ I can apply properties of operations as strategies to add and subtract. (OA.3) 

❏ I can use strategies such as counting on and decomposing to make ten. (OA.6a) 

❏ I can use the relationship between addition and subtraction to make equivalent sums. (OA.6a) ❏ I can use strategies to fluently add and subtract with 10. (OA.6b) 


❏ I know what the equal sign means and can tell if addition or subtraction equations are true or false. (OA.7) 

 Nice to Know 

❏ I can relate counting to addition and subtraction. (OA.5) 

3) Solve addition and subtraction equations, including: three whole numbers, unknown numbers, and story problems 


❏ I can use strategies to solve addition and subtraction word problems within 20. (OA.1) ❏ I can solve word problems that require the addition of 3 whole numbers whose sum is within 20. (OA.2) 

❏ I understand that unknown-addend problems can be solved with subtraction. (OA.4) ❏ I can find the unknown number in an addition or subtraction equation. (OA.8) 

4) Understand place value to tens, including: 2-digit numbers representing amounts of tens and ones, ten more and ten less of a number 


❏ I understand that 2-digit numbers represent groups of tens and ones. (NBT.2) 

❏ I can use models or drawings to subtract multiples of 10 (10-90) from multiples of 10 (10-90) with positive or zero differences. (NBT.6) 


❏ I can mentally find 10 more or 10 less than any 2-digit number. (NBT.5) 

BELS Final May 2020

5) Tell time to the hour and half hour. 


❏ I can tell time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital clocks. (MD.3) 

6) Organize, represent, and interpret data using up to three categories 



❏ I can show data in up to three categories. (MD.4) 

❏ I can ask and answer questions about data with up to three categories. (MD.4) 


The following Core Standards do not connect directly to the BELS but should be introduced/integrated in 1st grade math when teaching comparison symbols, measurement, geometry, and addition within 100. 


❏ I can compare two two-digit numbers and record the results with the symbols >, =, <. (NBT.3) ❏ I can order three objects by length. (MD.1) 

❏ I can measure the length of an object in whole number units. (MD.2) 

❏ I can identify the values of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters and compare their values. (MD.5) ❏ I can divide circles and rectangles into two and four equal shares and name those parts. (G.3) 

Nice to Know 

❏ I can add within 100, including a two-digit number with a one-digit number, and adding a two-digit number with a multiple of 10. (NBT.4) 

❏ I can tell the difference between defining and non-defining attributes of shapes. (G.1) ❏ I can build and draw shapes based on attributes. (G.1) 

❏ I can compose two-dimensional shapes creating composite shapes. (G.2a) 

❏ I can compose three-dimensional shapes creating composite shapes. (G.2b) 

BELS-(Essential Standards): These standards are the main curricular focus of the grade. Tier 1 instructional time is spent on these standards to ensure all students are proficient on these standards. Common Formative and Summative assessments are administered to determine which students need interventions or enrichments. 

Important Standards: These standards support or extend the BELS. Tier 1 instruction time is spent to ensure understanding. Student learning is assessed; but will not be a focus of intervention. 

Nice to Know Standards: These standards are introduced and integrated during the grade as part of Tier 1 instruction.

BELS Final May 2020