Box Elder Learning Standards Kindergarten Mathematics Targets

1) Identify and write numerals 0-20


❏ I can identify numbers 0-20. (CC.3)

❏ I can write numbers 0-20 in random order. (CC.3)

2) Count to 100 by ones and tens.


❏ I can count by 1s to 100 (CC.1)

❏ I can count to 100 by 10s (CC.1)

❏ I can count forward beginning at any number within 100. (CC.2)

3) Count to tell the numbers of objects 0-20.


❏ I can say one number per object when counting 10 or fewer objects in a scattered formation and 11-20 objects in an arranged formation. (CC.4a)

❏ I can count a given number of objects and answer how many. (CC.5)

❏ I can represent a number of objects with a written numeral. (CC.3)


❏ I understand that the next number in counting order is one greater than the previous number. (CC.4c)

❏ I can tell that the last thing counted is the number of things. (CC.4b) 4)

Compare numbers and objects as greater than, less than, or equal to.


❏ I can identify objects in one group as greater than, less than or equal to the number of objects in another group with up to 10 objects. (CC.6)

❏ I can compare two written numerals between 1 and 10 as greater than, less than, or equal to. (CC.7)

Nice to Know

❏ I can compare two objects with a measurable attribute to see which object has “more of/less of” the attribute. (MD.2)

❏ I can sort categories by the number of things in them up to or equal to 10. (MD.3)

5) Understand addition as putting together and adding to within 10


❏ I can represent addition with objects, fingers, mental images, or sounds. (OA.1)

❏ I can use strategies to fluently add within 5. (OA.5)


❏ I can take any number 1-9 and show what I need to make a 10. (OA.4)

❏ I can break any number 1-10 into parts. (OA.3)

Nice to Know

❏ I can use objects, drawings, and equations to solve addition word problems within 10. (OA.2)

6) Understand subtraction as taking apart and taking from using numbers 0-10


❏ I can represent subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, or sounds. (OA.1)

❏ I can use strategies to fluently subtract within 5. (OA.5)


❏ I can break any number 1-10 into parts. (OA.3)

Nice to Know

❏ I can use objects, drawings, and equations to solve subtraction word problems within 10. (OA.2)

7) Understand that teen numbers are a set of ten and some more ones.


❏ I can make and take apart numbers 11-19 by showing how many tens and ones are in the numbers. (NBT.1)

Note: The following Core Standards do not connect directly to the BELS but should be introduced/integrated in Kindergarten math when teaching measurement and geometry.

Nice to Know

❏ I can describe measurable attributes of an object like length and weight. (MD.1)

❏ I can describe objects in my environment using names of shapes. (G.1)

❏ I can tell where I see shapes by using position words. (G.1)

❏ I can correctly name shapes no matter their size or orientation. (G.2)

❏ I can identify shapes as two- dimensional (flat) or three-dimensional (solid).

(G.3) ❏ I can identify, compare, and sort 2-D and 3-D shapes. (G.4)

❏ I can make shapes by drawing or building them. (G.5)

❏ I can use simple shapes to make larger shapes. (G.6)

(Essential Standards): These standards are the main curricular focus of the grade. Tier 1 instructional time is spent on these standards to ensure all students are proficient on these standards. Common Formative and Summative assessments are administered to determine which students need interventions or enrichments.

Important Standards: These standards support or extend the BELS. Tier 1 instruction time is spent to ensure understanding. Student learning is assessed; but will not be a focus of intervention.

Nice to Know Standards: These standards are introduced and integrated during the grade as part of Tier 1 instruction.