Agencies and Organizations

Aggies Elevated
Aggies Elevated is an inclusive, on-campus college experience for young adults with intellectual, developmental, and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) disabilities. The program’s goal for graduates is competitive integrated employment, full community inclusion, and independent living to their highest ability.

Aspen Grove Advocacy
We find and explore options to assist in creating the best life possible, through coordinating supports, requesting needed services, and linking with community resources, Our goal is to help those we work with achieve a high quality of life with as much independence as possible. We ensure State and Medicaid requirements are met to maintain eligibility for needed funding. Support Coordination includes frequent visits to monitor and ensure providers are meeting health and safety needs, and that families and individuals are satisfied with supports. Our mission is to instill hope, dignity, and empowerment in the lives of those we serve.

Autism Council of Utah
The Autism Council of Utah (ACU) is an independent council working to foster collaboration, communication, and learning among families and agencies. Our aim is to promote access to resources and responsible information for individuals of all ages who have or are affected by autism, or related conditions.

Bear River Mental Health
Bear River Mental Health provides comprehensive, professional, mental health services to individuals, helping people live more functional and meaningful lives—regardless of their age, disability or ability to pay.

BESD 504
Section 504 protect individuals with a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities. Major life activities include caring for one's self, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, working, performing manual tasks, and learning. Some examples of impairments which may substantially limit major life activities, even with the help of medication or aids/devices, are: AIDS, alcoholism, blindness or visual impairment, cancer, deafness or hearing impairment, diabetes, drug addiction, heart disease, and mental illness.

Career and Technical Education
Career and Technical Education provides all students access to high-quality, rigorous career-focused programs that result in attainment of credentials with labor market value.

Disability Law Center
The Disability Law Center is Utah's Protection and Advocacy nonprofit agency. Our mission is to enforce and strengthen laws that protect the opportunities, choices, and legal rights of people with disabilities in Utah. All of our services are free, including self-advocacy resources, legal clinics and representation if appropriate.

CHADD of Utah (Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
CHADD is a national non-profit dedicated to enhancing the lives of those with ADHD and their family members through research, advocacy and education.

CATT Peer Mentoring
CATT (Creating Achievement Through Transition) is a student-run organization that strives to help create a supportive learning environment where students with disabilities can come and learn the necessary skills to succeed in college courses and after college. Peer mentors help teach these skills and provide an environment of support and understanding to help motivate students.
CATT is a volunteer organization facilitated by students with disabilities, transitioning students will become peer guides for future participants.

Children with Special Health Care Needs
Utah Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) is a part of the Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Family Health. We oversee many programs for children with special health care needs. Each is unique in its services for children with special health care needs. CSHCN provides and promotes family-centered, coordinated care and facilitates the development of community-based systems for these children and their families.

Common Ground
The organization provides adaptive equipment and support which enables individuals with disabilities to participate in recreation and outdoor adventures. By crossing perceived limitations individuals gain self-confidence, which carries over into the quest for meaningful employment, the pursuit of relationships, and active participation in community life. All outdoor activities include discussions, activities or presentations that foster appreciation and respect of the natural environment.

Division of Services of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DSDHH)
The DSDHH mission is to elevate, unify, and empower the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind Utahns by building an inclusive community with full communication access.

Division of Services for people with Disabilities
The Division of Services for People with Disabilities (DSPD) promotes opportunities and provides supports for people with disabilities to lead self-determined lives by overseeing home and community-based services for more than 6,000 people who have disabilities. Support includes community living, day services, and supported employment services.

Employment Related Personal Assistant Services (EPAS)
EPAS (Employment-related Personal Assistant Services) is a Medicaid service for people with disabilities who work and need personal assistance in order to maintain their employment.

Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program
The Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) provides free training for people with limited resources to help them learn about and adopt nutritious habits and diets. We provide FREE nutrition & cooking classes to adults and youth to help improve their quality of life.

Family to Family Network (FtoFN)
The Family to Family Network (FtoFN) is a statewide parent support network run by volunteers. It is designed to educate, strengthen, and support families of persons with disabilities, especially those who are on the waiting list for or are in services with the Division of Services for People with Disabilities (DSPD).

Guardianship Associates of Utah
Guardianship Associates of Utah (GAU) is a private non-profit organization that provides direct Guardianship, Conservator and Trust services to individuals who have been deemed by a court of law to be incapacitated, incompetent, or legally disabled. GAU also provides training and information for families or others who are interested in filing for Guardianship of an incapacitated adult. We are also passionate in helping families as they navigate the process of seeking guardianship and/or conservatorship for incapacitated children, parents, spouses and siblings.

Integrated Services Program - Utah Dept. of Health
The mission of the Integrated Services Program is to assist families of children and youth who have special health care needs with coordinated care planning, education and resources in order for them to make informed decisions. This may include primary and special health care, behavioral health, developmental and educational programs, financial support resources and social services that meet their special needs from infancy through the transition to adulthood.

ILSC Independent Life Skills Center- Post High
The ILSC or Independent Life Skills Center is a post-high school for 18-22 year old students who are working on multiple components of services through an Individualized Educational Plan. Some of these services include on the job coaching/ job training, social skills support, environmental exposures, and academic skills toward a certificate of completion, alternate diploma or general diploma. Our students attend job sites 2 times a day, and have a fun interactive learning environment, creating a family setting to practice social skills and emotional intelligence. We have students who attend Sunrise High school with academic support, in addition to their job training skills. The resources to help bridge the gap from highschool life to adult life are supported, based on each student's individual needs, creating an amazing experience in this post-high environment.
For more information call 435-538-1599
Or contact BESD 435-734-4800 and ask for the Special Education Department

Intersect services
We are a DSPD funded external support coordination company that oversees Community Services Waiver cases. Intersect Services provides Support Coordination Services for those served through DSPD on the Community Services Waiver and ABI Waiver, as well as Service Broker Supports for people on DSPD's waiting list, as well as EPAS supports to people who qualify.

Iuvo Law
We provide legal services for your special needs transitioning child, including guardianship/conservatorship, Special Needs Trusts and Estate planning, and Social Security Appeals. If your child or loved one is unable to make adult decisions, we can help them and/or your family. Our law firm helps transition your special needs child into adulthood.

Logan Adaptive Aquatics
People with disabilities are welcome to come utilize the Logan Aquatic Center. Families are encouraged to come and swim with their loved ones. Lifeguard is on duty. Noodles and lifejackets are available. The leisure pool is wheelchair accessible.

Job Corps
The Job Corps program offers individuals 16 to 24 years old who qualify, the opportunity for free education and certified training, while receiving a small bi-weekly pay, and basic medical and dental services. There are five campus locations throughout Utah, Montana, and Wyoming, either living on campus or commuting daily (Clearfield only). All services are no cost and government funded.

Life-Skills and Individual Needs Center (LINC) provides training and support for adults who have intellectual disabilities. We offer a Day Training program Monday-Friday, group respite activities two nights a week, job coaching and Supported Living Skills. LINC is funded through The Division of Services for People with Disabilities (DSPD) through the Utah Department of Health and Human Services. LINC is also a provider for Vocational Rehabilitation, providing supported employment and job coaching for individuals with disabilities.
We provide daily activities building social skills, personal hygiene, recreational skills, activities, classes, volunteer work, experiences, and participating in our community. Individuals receive training in skills necessary to become more independent at home, work, and in the community.
For more information call 435-723-3913

Medical Home Portal
The Medical Home Portal is a unique source of reliable information about children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN), offering a “one-stop shop” for their:
Physicians and Medical Home teams
Other Professionals and Caregivers

Melisa Nellesen Center for Autism (UVU)
The Melisa Nellesen Center for Autism has several programs available for young adults transitioning into postsecondary education. We empower students with Autism Spectrum Disorder to reach their educational and professional goals through our Passages program, Educational Coaching and smooth coordination between university supports including Office of Accessibilities, Academic Advising and mental health support from Student Health Services. We are also proud to announce our newest program, Wolverines Elevated for individuals with Intellectual Disabilities.

National Alliance on Mental Illness—Box Elder Affiliate
NAMI offers classes and support groups throughout Utah for families, caregivers, and individuals living with mental illness. We are a grassroots organization that was started in 1988. Our greatest strength is the dedication of the family members and individuals living with mental health conditions who teach our classes, lead our support groups, and advocate in their communities. Through our lived experiences we are able to offer help, hope, and healing to people whose lives are affected by these conditions.

Neurobehavioral Center for Growth (NBCG)
The Neurobehavioral Center for Growth (NBCG) is a clinic providing psychological evaluations, therapy, medication management, and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). Our licensed providers work with all populations and all presenting concerns, including Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, ODD, mood disorders, and anxiety disorders.

North Eastern Services Utah
NES supports opportunities for people to achieve independence, enhance self esteem and sustain a full quality life. We strive for superior care, absolute execution of all requirements, unmatched integrity, continued improvement of employees and processes, zero procrastination in all matters, 100% follow through in all areas, positive attitudes at all times, positive interactions in every circumstance, and positive outcomes for all individuals that we serve and employ.

OPTIONS for Independence (OPTIONS)
OPTIONS for Independence is a nonresidential Independent Living Center where people with disabilities can learn skills to gain more control and independence over their own life decisions. Independent Living is not defined strictly in the terms of physical self sufficiency or living situation. The main element is that the person (not the family, friends, or professionals) exercises control and makes choices that involve responsibility and perhaps risk.

Organization for Autism Research (OAR)
OAR strives to make a difference in the daily lives of persons with autism and their families.
We publish a series of practical, evidence-based guidebooks; maintain targeted, supportive websites; offer scholarship opportunities for undergraduate students; and also provide resources specifically for military families impacted by autism.

RISE Services
RISE supports people with special needs, throughout the state of Utah. We are a non-profit and our mission is to provide opportunities for and with people. We do this through day programs, after-school programs, summer program, employment services, and supported living. We offer several wrap-around services including day and after-school programs, employment services, foster parenting, mental and behavioral services, and supported living.

Roads To Independence
We can help with finding affordable accessible housing, acquiring and using adaptive Social Security Administration (SSA)
We help with equipment, developing life skills (such as cooking, cleaning, money management, etc.), systems advocacy, individual advocacy, transportation, employment, information and referral, peer support, recreation, socialization, education, attendant service, waiver services, communication, transportation, community based living, vocational, self-care, personal resource management, nursing home diversion, etc.

Social Security Administration (SSA)
The Social Security Administration can assist children with disabilities and their parents through the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program.

Special Olympics
Special Olympics is a global movement that unleashes the human spirit every day around the world through the transformative power and joy of sport. Through programming in sports, health, education and community building, Special Olympics is tackling the inactivity, stigma, isolation, and injustice that people with intellectual disabilities (ID) face. Our work goes far beyond sports events, driving social change that enables full social participation for people with ID.

Utah Assistive Technology Program (UATP)
Our mission is to put assistive technology into the hands of people who need it. We also help people afford those devices. Our goal is to promote independence in education, employment, and community settings.

Utah Assistive Technology Teams
Utah Assistive Technology Teams (UATT) support school LEAs and IEP teams to evaluate, acquire, and manage assistive technology for students with disabilities. We support and coordinate with multi-disciplinary educational and rehabilitation teams to train students, caregivers, educators, and service providers in the use of assistive technology in education and in the major life functions of students with disabilities.

Utah Center for Assistive Technology (UCAT)
The Utah Center for Assistive Technology (UCAT) is a statewide resource offering information and technical services to help people with disabilities acquire and use assistive technology devices. UCAT offers free evaluations to anyone within the state of Utah.

Utah Developmental Disabilities Council
The purpose of the Council is to advocate for, and strengthen leadership skills in, individuals with disabilities and their families. In addition, the Council collaborates with the legislature, public and private agencies that serve individuals with disabilities to strengthen the service system. The focus of all the activities of the Council is to promote consumer and family directed services that increase self-determination in individuals with disabilities and their families.

Utah Family Voices
Utah Family Voices provides statewide assistance in a variety of ways to families of children and youth with special health care needs and disabilities as well as professional providers and partners.

Utah Parent Center (UPC)
We assist families and professionals that have a connection to a person with a disability or suspect a disability. The UPC can help with IEP's and 504's as well as connect people to disability support groups and resources. We work with all disabilities from birth to young adulthood.... Early Intervention through Transition/post high school and into adult services. Our services are free!

Utah Library for the Blind and Disabled
Individuals who cannot read or use conventional printed materials as a result of visual or physical limitations, i.e. blind, visual disability, physical disability, and/or reading/learning disability are by law eligible. This also includes persons in private homes, nursing homes, hospitals, schools and other institutions.

Utah Work Incentive Planning Services (UWIPS)
UWIPS works with individuals on Social Security disability benefits to help them learn how work will impact their benefits. We talk about SSDI, SSI, CDB, Medicare, Medicaid, housing, Food Stamps (SNAP), DSPD waivers and how work and other income may impact those benefits. We also teach our clients about reporting work earnings - who they need to report to, how and when.

Utah State Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (Voc Rehab)
The Utah State Office of Rehabilitation provides Transition Services to eligible students with disabilities as they transition from school to adult life. Our goal is to provide students with a smooth transition, holistic team approach, and services that are necessary and reasonable to help prepare for, obtain, and maintain employment.

Weber State University, College Access and First-Year Transition
Weber State's College Access & First-Year Transition program is designed to help incoming students make a successful transition into the university community by offering resources to on-campus, off-campus, and one-on-one assistance with basic needs, resources, and applications.

Weber State University, Disability Services
Disabilities Services is charged with providing services and accommodations to qualified students with disabilities attending, or planning to attend, Weber State University (WSU). Disability Services supports WSU’s overall mission by concentrating our efforts on the University’s Core Themes of Access and Learning

Wolverines Elevated
Wolverines Elevated is a three-year certificate program for young adults with intellectual disabilities. The program is in its first year as a model TPSID (Transition & Postsecondary Programs for Students with Intellectual Disabilities) program, with funding from the United States Department of Education.

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) is a federally funded program that provides supportive and training services to eligible customers. In Utah, WIOA is administered by the Department of Workforce Services, Vocational Rehabilitation and Adult Education. WIOA serves: