CTE Pathways
Career Pathways show students a direct connection between doing well in high school and being able to transition smoothly to postsecondary opportunities or getting a good job when they graduate. Students who focus on a Career Pathway acquire the skills necessary for entry into well-paid careers with high potential for rapid financial growth, increased levels of responsibility, and a high degree of personal satisfaction.
Pathway completers will receive a certificate from the state, receive recognition at the senior scholarship and awards night, and receive a blue and white honor cord to be worn in the graduation ceremony.
Utah Career Pathways align with and are categorized by the national Career Clusters®. Each Career Pathway culminates in an industry recognized credential of value.
Although not all pathways are available at BRHS and BEHS, there are many choices. Please see your counselor or your CTE teacher for more information specific to your school!
CTE Pathways Publications
CTE Pathways Publications

Keys to Success A resource to connect students with scholarships, internships, and opportunities that match their career interests.
Utah CTE Career Pathways At a glance of Pathways to College and Career
CTE Credentials of Value See all of the CTE courses and careers here.
Agricultural, Food and Natural Resources

Architecture and Construction

Arts, Audio/Visual Technology and Communications

Business, Finance and Marketing

Computer Science and Information Technology

Education and Training

Engineering and Technology

Health Science

Hospitality and Tourism

Human Services

Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security

Transportation, Distribution and Logistics