New Teacher Resources
July 1, 2024
Whether you are new to the profession, new to our district, or both, we want to welcome you to Box Elder School District! Our goal is to ensure that every student in Box Elder School District receives the best educational experience possible. To that end, we make every effort to hire only those teachers we believe will be successful in meeting the academic needs of our students. Congratulations on becoming a valuable member of the Box Elder family!
We provide all new teachers with a comprehensive induction and mentoring program to give them the support necessary to be successful. Box Elder Support for Teachers (B.E.S.T.) is the district-required support program for new teachers in their first three (provisional) years in our district. This includes professional development specific to the needs of new teachers and follow-up support from your school’s instructional coach.
All teachers new to the district are required to participate in a New Teacher Induction Program on August 8, 2024 from 8:00 am-3:30 pm. It will be held at the Independent Life Skills Center (ILSC) located in the parking lot west of the district office, 960 South Main, Brigham City. Teachers have the opportunity to gain important career information, learn about the “Box Elder Way”, collaborate with other new teachers, and meet your support staff. You will receive a stipend and relicensure points for attendance. Lunch will be provided.
Throughout the year, we will have follow-up training at our district professional development days, November 1, March 14, and May 2.
Once again, we want to welcome you to Box Elder School District and wish you the best as you begin your career in this challenging and rewarding profession.
AshLee Nelson, BESD Director of Instructional Support