Graduation 2025 Information

Graduation 2025 will be May 27, 2025 at 6:00 PM at the Dee Events Center, Weber State University.
Graduation 2025 Information:
Congratulations to the Class of 2025!
Graduation is an exciting time! We appreciate the opportunity we have had to work with your child at Box Elder High. We will continue to share updates to help ensure this occasion runs smoothly. There is a lot of important information for graduation. This document will keep the graduation information we send out. We will also update it as we add more information. We hope this will help to make this an exciting experience for you and your graduate.
(NOTE: If your child is an early grad… information will be sent to the email address you provided, for us to communicate with you about graduation)
All seniors who have completed all graduation requirements (see below), have no “U”s on their transcript, and passed the Civics Test can participate in the graduation ceremony.
Graduation will be held:
Tuesday, May 27, 2025
At 6:00 p.m.
Location: Dee Events Center, Weber State University
Graduation Stoles: Students will be able to wear a white graduation stole during the ceremony. Graduation soles can be purchased in the office (Jostens Stoles for $25) or from CheaperThanShirt. They are not required for the graduation ceremony. It is just an option graduates can choose to do.
Senior Caps & Gowns:
Caps, gowns, and tassels are purchased through Jostens. All graduates will wear purple caps and robes. Please contact Jostens if you have not ordered a cap and gown. Caps and gowns will be delivered on April 11, 2025. We will have a senior meeting and cap and gowns will be handed out that day (More information coming as we get closer.)
Graduation Cords:
Cords will be handed out at the scholarship and awards night on May 14, 2025. All scholarships and military commitments must be reported to by May 9, 2025. (You need to provide proof of scholarships to Mrs. Barker.)
White Honor Cords
White honor cords will be given to senior students who have: (no cost this year)
Received a scholarship: Students report to
Competed as Sterling Scholar for BEHS identified by the advisor
Competed as a senior member of the Academic Olympiad Team identified by the advisor
Earned a 4.0 Award determined by academic records reviewed by admin
Earned the Top 3% and Top 10% Academically determined by academic records
reviewed by admin
Been awarded one of the Top 4 Faculty Awards voted on by the faculty
Been selected as Valedictorian or Salutatorian determined by academic records
reviewed by admin
Although many students will be receiving multiple awards, honors, and scholarships, only one
white honor cord will be given for each student meeting this criteria.
Military Cords
Officially committed to serve in the military: Students report to
Silver and Gold Honor Cords
Silver Honor Cords are given to students who are academically in the Top 10%
Gold Honor Cords are given to students who are academically in the Top 3%
Award Medals
Students receiving the 4.0 Award will be given a medal
The Valedictorian and Salutatorian will be given a medal
CTE Pathway Honor Cords
CTE Pathway Cords will be given to senior students who have completed one or more CTE
Pathways. Our Regional Pathways Coordinator determines these awards for Box Elder, Cache,
Logan, and Rich School Districts.
Seal of Biliteracy Cords
Seal of Biliteracy cords will be given to seniors who have completed the seal of biliteracy requirements. This will be determined by the district ELL Coordinator or the BEHS World Language teacher.
Student Requirements to Participate in the Graduation Ceremony:
In order to participate in the graduation ceremony, students must have completed all graduation requirements, passed the Civics Test, and have resolved all citizenship U’s. Here is a link to the graduation requirements at Box Elder High School.
Here is a link to the graduation information on our website:
Important Date for Seniors and Graduation:
May 1
Outside credit due
(Outside Credit = credit that is not being issued by BEHS)
May 9
Final list for Graduation Program & Newspaper
Must be passing third-trimester classes (needed for graduation credit) to be included in the final list
U & Civics Test completed
Scholarship reporting deadline
May 14
Scholarship & Awards Night (6:00 PM)
May 23
Final list for walking at graduation
Must be passing third-trimester classes (needed for graduation credit) to be included in the final list
May 27
Graduation Ceremony
June 9
Diploma Distribution Begins
Scholarship Reporting:
Seniors report all scholarships to Michele Barker at by May 9, 2024. Remember you need to submit proof of the scholarship.
Citizenship U Make Up:
- SENIORS all U’s must be made up by Friday, May 9, 2025 for your name to be included in the graduation program. You may still clear up your U’s to participate in the graduation ceremony after that date, but your name WILL NOT appear in the program if U’s aren’t taken care of by May 9, 2025.
- If you have any outstanding citizenship U’s on your transcript, you will be notified by our Student Support Center instructional paras. Please direct any questions you have in regards to citizenship to Mr. Funk (alphabet A-J) ( and Mr. Gunter (alphabet K-Z) ( by email or phone (435) 734-4840. The following are options available for students to make up a U:
Complete 6 hours of community service. The community service agreement form is in the office. Community service must be pre-approved with an administrator.
As a last resort, students can pay $40 for each U on their transcript.
Thank you for your support and congratulations to the class of 2025!