Public Notice for LEA Specific License
Public Notice for LEA Specific License (R277-301-7)
Having an active license issued by the Utah State Board of Education is a condition of employment for all certified-licensed positions in Box Elder School District. The employee is responsible for properly obtaining and maintaining an active license with the Utah State Board of Education.
There are three license designations for educator licenses outlined on Schools.Utah.Gov.:
LEA–SPECIFIC: Educator must establish a USBE-cleared background check and ethics review. LEA Board must apply on behalf of educator. LEA must create a personalized plan for educator support. LEA must post percentage of assignments with educators on LEA-specific license area or endorsement.
ASSOCIATE LICENSE: USBE-cleared background check and ethics review Bachelor degree: completed or enrolled Content knowledge competency: tests, major, or experience Completed USBE pedagogical modules
PROFESSIONAL LICENSE: USBE-cleared background check and ethics review Content knowledge competency: tests, major, or experience Completed university-based or alternate educator preparation program
Licensing FTE and Qualifications by School for the 2024-2025 School Year Box Elder School District LEA-Specific Teacher Licensing Policy 3022.
In order to view the license and endorsement information of any educator in
Utah, go to the Utah Educator License Look-Up Tool.
The Box Elder School District acknowledges that LEA-Specific educator licenses, license areas, or endorsements may be renewed by the Utah State Board of Education. These renewals will be approved or denied on a case by case basis.