“High Levels of Learning through
Hard Work, Integrity, Vision, and Engagement”

Mission Statement: We ensure all students learn at high levels through hard work, integrity, vision, and engagement.
Vision Statement: To prepare all students to be successful in life and contribute to society in a positive way.
Located in Box Elder County (Southern End)
Student Population: 1570
HIVE: Hard Work, Integrity, Vision, and Engagement
Monthly Themes 2022-2023:
September: Bees have a “HIVE Mind” mentality. That means they work as a team to build a stronger, more cohesive hive. As Box Elder Bees, we are better together than we are on our own.
October: Bees are Busy: Bees are always on the go. They work up to 16 hours a day. When there is work to be done, they make a beeline toward that work.
November: Bees Protect Those Who Need Protection: Bees protect each other and their hive. They selflessly fight against any force that may weaken the hive or kill the queen or other bees.
December: Bees Contribute to the Greater Good: Bees work together to make honey, but they also make it possible for all sorts of fruits and vegetables to grow through the process of pollination. They make the world a better place.
January: Bees Prepare: Bees seek out pollen and nectar from flowers. They don't wait for the pollen and nectar to come to them. They have to go outside their comfort zone in order to grow.
February: Bees Get Things Done: Bees don't delay the necessary work for the day. They go out and get it done without complaint or procrastination.
March: Bees Do Their Part: When bees collect pollen and nectar, they carry up to 80% of their weight back to the hive. Don't rely on someone else to carry your share of the load.
April: Bees Focus on the Task at Hand: Bees don't get distracted by outside forces. They focus on the task at hand, and they stay focused until the task is done.
May: Bee Yourself: Bees have a job to do, and they work tirelessly to fulfill that role and purpose. The Queen does the job of the queen. Worker bees have their own defined role. Each bee does its best to be true to their individual purpose in life. Let's all bee ourselves and stop trying to bee someone else. We all have unique contributions to make to our school culture.