Board of Education written on chalkboard

Box Elder School District

Board Meeting Summary

Notes from the Board of Education meeting held July 10, 2024 at the Independent Life Skills Center. These notes are provided as one way to keep stakeholders of the District informed on the work of the Board of Education and District administration.  These notes are not minutes of the meeting.  They are simply the recollections of Superintendent Carlsen and Assistant Superintendent West. 

The Board of Education began their meeting at 2:00 p.m. with a work session.

The call to order took place at 6:30 p.m.

       Call to Order by Wade Hyde, Board President

       Reverence by Julie Taylor, Board Member

       Flag Salute/Pledge of Allegiance by Heidi Jo West, Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Teaching & Learning

Recognitions by Julie Taylor, Board Member

       Bear River High School - UHSAA Bronze Star for completing the first level of sportsmanship requirements

       Raise the Bar- Sportsmanship matters.  Encourages good sportsmanship on and off the field.  If a school meets the criteria, the committee awards a star to be hung on a banner at the school. 

Approval of Agenda

         The agenda was approved.

Public Comment:

       Jessica Sessions came to speak on the topic of fall break.  Employees in our district have kids and employees in other counties.  We may have personnel shortages on October 17 and 18.  She shared that she would be gone due to having a wedding. 

       Laura Wheatley- The national PTA has approved a $1 increase of dues.  This is due to the increase of costs.   

Action Items:

       Approval of Early Learning Plan by AshLee Nelson, Director of Literacy & Instructional Support

       Early Learning Plan 24-25 Recommendation

       The committee reviews the programs used for core instruction and intervention to ensure they align with best practices.  The math goal is to increase the number of students proficient on the Advance Quantity Discrimination subtest from Beginning of the Year to the End of the Year by 10%.

       For Literacy, five percent more second grade students will demonstrate proficiency on the Acadience Reading assessment. 

       The goal for literacy is aligned to the state expectations outlined in SB127.

       Board Member Taylor shared her experience from participating on the committee.  She explained that the team had the data for all grade levels on each subtest.  The team identified the area of greatest need. 

Unanimous approval by the Board.

       Superintendent Carlsen shared that the Local Board voted Levy will continue to support the early literacy program. 

       Approval of 2024-25 Tax Rates

       Board Recommendation for Annual Certified Tax Rates July 2024

Unanimous approval by the Board.

Information Items:

       2023-24 TSSA Plan Results by Keith Mecham & Heidi Jo West, Assistant Superintendents of Curriculum

       Monthly Financial Report by David Roberts, Business Administrator

       Board Finance Report ending June 2024

       Most of the items that are not showing as complete are for payroll purposes. 

       Line 82- purchased services was for the routing software for transportation. 

       Line 92- 40% over to maintain the natatorium

       Line 111- increase in cost of supplies

       Board Committee Reports

       Boys and Girls Club wanted to thank the Board for attending their fundraiser event. 

Consent Items

       Minutes of the June 12, 2024 Board Meeting

       Adjustment made. 


       June 2024 Check Summary


Unanimous approval of consent items.

Suggestions for Future Board Meetings:

       Sex education committee has not been finalized.  This will be on the August agenda.

       A committee for school lunch is being formed, if any Board Member is interested, they may join by emailing Business Administrator, David Roberts. 

Closed Session to Discuss Personnel at 7:40 pm

This session was moved to the August meeting. 


The Box Elder School Board voted to adjourn the meeting at 7:02 pm. The next meeting of the Board of Education will be held on Wednesday, August 14, 2024 at 5:30 pm, with a Work Session at the Independent Life Skills Center, 960 S Main St, Brigham City, Utah.

The details of each action item and supporting information for other agenda items are available on the district website.