Student Registration
2024-25 Registration for our HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM will open on August 7, 2024
All registration will be done online
Questions: Please call 435-734-4834 Mon-Thurs 7:30-3:00
All new and returning students will need to complete ALL online registration and pay registration fees before they will be given a schedule.
*All NEW students will need to bring in a copy of their birth certificate, immunization records, proof of residency.
Returning Students
Please use CURRENT STUDENT REGISTRATION if your student is returning to Box Elder School District.
Login with the PARENT user name and password (not the student's)
Update your contact information
Read and sign information forms as indicated
New Students
If you and your student have met with our staff about enrolling at Sunrise High School, you will click on CURRENT STUDENT REGISTRATION if your student is returning to Box Elder School District.
If you are interested in enrolling as a student at Sunrise High School, please visit with your current school counselor or give us a call at (435)734-4834.
Registration fees for SHS 2024-25 are $45 . Fees are due at the beginning of each school year or enrollment date.
Pay credit/debit card/e-check CLICK HERE
Fee waiver application (English) CLICK HERE
Fee waiver application (Spanish) CLICK HERE
Make sure to return your fee waiver application and supporting document to your OLDEST child's school.
If you would like to mail in a check please send it to:
SHS Registration
230 W 200 S
Brigham City, UT 84302
*Please be sure to include your student's name and ID # on the check
This year, parents must request transportation through the Edulog parent app in order for their students to be eligible for bus transportation. Step-by-step instructions and a video tutorial can be found in Passport under the busing link.