Trust Land/TSSP

2024-2025 School Trust Land Goals

Land Trust Action Plan Goal 1 & School Improvement Goal:

Our goal is to continue to increase our graduation percentage to over 70% over the next two years. Thus helping Sunrise High to exit Comprehensive School Improvement. One step that has shown to be very valuable is to increase student support. We will use these funds to pay for a full time student mentor to work with students. These funds will not be sufficient to pay the entire cost with benefits, but will cover the majority of the expense. We will use other funds to cover the remaining costs. This mentor will contact students each day to help improve their attendance and provide extra academic support throughout each day.

Academic Areas:

Graduation Rate Increase


We are now in comprehensive school improvement for the second time. Therefore as part of our state board approved plan for rigorous improvement, increasing the graduation rate is mandated by the state as our number one priority and therefore our most critical academic need. The most critical measurement will be the graduation rate put out by the state. We will also continue to use weekly attendance percentages, and term failing rates to indicate success and gauge our progress throughout the year.

Action Plan Steps:

1.  We hired a paraprofessional as one of our student mentors.  She will continue with us for this coming year.  About 65% of her salary and benefits are paid for through land trust money.  This will exhaust our trust land funds for the year. $24679.84

2.  Along with our other mentors, this para will be assigned a class of 15-18 students in August.

She will work with these students each day.  Outside of helping students in the classroom, our mentors will contact any absent student each day as well as parents each week.

School Goals/TSSP

2024-2025 Teacher and Student Success Plan (TSSP) Goals


Our goal is to decrease the number of failing grades in the class by 2%. We will do this by hiring a full time instructional para / mentor to work in our junior pod. By providing all incoming students a mentor to communicate with home and track overall student progress, we will in turn improve credits earned and increase our overall graduation rate.

Action Step:

Hire a full time instructional para.

Evaluation Criteria:

Success will be determined by the weekly failing report, and by  the graduation rate.